Creating a Bridge for New Learning!


Dynamic Performance offers you the latest in Neurodevelopmental movement programs for children, adults, professionals and businesses. Our workshop sessions are expertly facilitated, easy to understand and are custom tailored to meet your unique needs. 

Due to curtailed Neurodevelopmental learning patterns, many individuals unconsciously live life with pain, stress and fear. Dynamic Performance shows you how to navigate through challenging personal situations, see them as learning opportunities
and experience the gift of living a life filled with happiness, freedom, and prosperity. Our self-esteem and goal setting programs work to balance both your personal and professional life. We also offer motivational techniques for organizing your home, business and financial life. What is blocking you from living your ideal life?
Contact us to schedule your appointment today!


The world of business is highly competitive and a successful workforce is a company's most valuable asset. Dynamic Performance's business training workshops use a variety of brain optimization techniques to enhance overall company efficiency. Our programs utilize stress management techniques that work on increasing creativity, enhancing communication among co-workers and improving on team building. Employees learn to focus, organize and attend to a task while enhancing memory and increasing sales ability. Have you maximized your business potential? Contact us to schedule your appointment today!


"There are no lazy, withdrawn, aggressive, or angry children.  Only children denied the ability to learn in a way that is natural to them. Brain Gym Teacher's Ed., Dennison & Dennison.

Developmental reflexes play a crucial part in the readiness for the academic process. Dynamic Performance's educational workshops give teachers and students the building blocks for academic success. Learn about the physical components that are related to learning disabilities. Our programs show you how to increase the motivation for learning and why physical movement is essential for the learning environment. We also provide stress management techniques for teachers, as well as, learning profiles and how they affect the ability to attend, focus and organize information.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

Private Sessions

Dynamic Performance also provides private sessions for children, families and businesses. Our private sessions present detailed and specific approaches to education, health/wellness, personal development and professional enhancement. We teach key developmental principles in relation to everyday functioning or living and expertly facilitate you in getting to the core of the underlying cause of your challenges. Strict confidentiality is observed.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today!


Do you have athletic performance fears and blocks? We also support the physical side of the learning process! Our unique 5 step Neurodevelopmental training increases athletic focus and releases unnecessary performance stress. We offer individualized warm up activities that enable the athlete to always be clear, present and ready to participate.  Learn to recognize and change the effects of Fight/Flight/Freeze response. Our techniques have shown to improve flexibility, whole-body coordination, and spatial awareness. So whether you are a professional or just a weekend player, fine-tune your game with Dynamic Performance! Contact us to schedule your appointment today

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